December 4, 2008


Apologies to all five readers; I've been sick the last several days and pithy thoughts just aren't happening...

That said, I would like to note with sadness, and be the 121st person to do so, that Redhorse and the stable have called it le quits and have sent their horses out to the knackers, in the parlance of le pig. Redhorse was my opening into the dynamic blogging world that is NE Ohio. I met him a couple times, most memorably when I was on my way out of Ohio Learn and Earn. Redhorse invited me to some function that I actually ended up pussying out of going to, rather choosing to show up at MeetTheBloggers' meeting with Rep. Tim Ryan (OH-D) as my first actual foray into the not-so-skillfully woven, but beautifully executed, world of the interwebs. I am eternally grateful for his pushing me into this - otherwise blogginryan would have stopped long ago. I will miss his sharp and witty commentary about Ohio and national politics (plus Cleveland sports and occasional NASCAR). The NEOhio blogosphere is poorer without the stable.

As you may have noticed, I'd been counting the days since Paul Broun proved what a laughingstock he is - in case the average Broun observer hadn't previously noticed. I'm stopping with that. For now at least. There are too many other things to be worked up about than some stupid Congressman's nonsense; we face issues that are very real and not hypothetical kangaroo courts of Obama's doing... or whatever other analogy that Congressman Broun wishes to devise.

Heads of the Not-so-big-they're-tiny-actually 3 were in DC today pleading for more money. They made a spectacle of it, rolling into town with cars of high technology, hybrids, etc. All of this show, but I still believe that their words mean little; progress needs to be made and solid plans need to be set forth for the future of these companies. New car companies need to arise in this country to force these guys to compete for the domestic market. I'm sure there are stiff barriers to entry, because a car is certainly no easy machine to make, but it stands to reason that competition would help to trim the gooey excesses of crap from the Not-so-big-they're-tiny-actually 3.

And $35 billion. Or more? Really?

Let there be a pyre and a phoenix rise anew from the ashes of Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler.


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