March 19, 2010

Score another idiotic remark for Broun (R-GA 10)

My Congressman, Paul Broun, Jr, in a floor speech of the House, references "the great war of Yankee agression" while making an attempt to call "free Obamacare cards" worthless.

Rep. Broun invokes The Civil War

Paul Broun once again proves that his purpose is not for helping out residents of GA-10, but rather serving as arch-demagogue of the right-wing in the House. Let us not forget where he says the public option will cause a lot of people to die, calls Obama a Marxist and compares Obama to Hitler, and tells someone with depression that he can go to the ER for treatment. The hits just keep on coming for you Broun, eh?

(I do have a question for question, like the people at Media Matters: where's my card?)


1 comment:

Courtney said...

You have to love Georgia politics. Bloodthirsty, ruthless...fucking insane politics.

Awesome blog